• https://vendor.shaqexpress.com/storage/22078/conversions/DBdogQubrXarqz5ekxs45KuEL4c31L-metaQ0lUWSBCTE9PRCBUT05JQyggSXJvbiBJSUkgUG9seW1hbHRvc2UpIC5qcGc=--medium.png

City Blood Tonic


City Blood Tonic is used for Iron deficiency anemia, Treatment of megaloblastic anemias due to a deficiency of folic ac...

City Blood Tonic is used for Iron deficiency anemia, Treatment of megaloblastic anemias due to a deficiency of folic acid, Treatment of anemias of nutritional origin, Pregnancy, Infancy, Or childhood, Vitamin b12 deficiency, Pernicious anemia and other conditions. City Blood Tonic may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.