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Mgl Naturals African Shea Butter Ivory 400g


The MGL Naturals African Shea Butter Ivory is an all-time best-selling flagship product for super healthy hair growth, edges, beard, intensive hair repair, hydration, nourishment, moisturizer, and ha...

The MGL Naturals African Shea Butter Ivory is an all-time best-selling flagship product for super healthy hair growth, edges, beard, intensive hair repair, hydration, nourishment, moisturizer, and hair manageability.

It is   used by individuals and professional salons, hair food for deep conditioning hair treatment for damaged hair repair, to nourish scalp, strengthen hair, clears dandruff and as hair mask for all hair types.

It softens the natural tough hair making it easy to comb and style freely.

It is also an excellent moisturizer for the skin, lips, hands and feet during winter.