Ciroc Snap Frost Vodka 1l
One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “crime” meaning peak or summit, and "Roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc...
Shop Information
One of the world’s only vodkas created entirely from grapes, Ciroc Ultra-Premium is simply unique. The name is derived from the combination of two French words, “crime” meaning peak or summit, and "Roche" meaning rock. True to its roots, Ciroc Mauzac Blanc grapes stem from the high-altitude vineyards in Gaillac, France overlooked by the stony village walls of Cordes-sur-Ciel. Historically, vodka has been made from natural and local sources of fermentable sugars and starches. Ciroc is innovative in its use of cold maceration, fermentation, and storage processes. Until now, only the top fine wine producers implemented these practices.
Not suitable for persons under the age of 18
Not suitable for pregnant women
Drink Responsibly(18+)