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  • https://vendor.shaqexpress.com/storage/13295/conversions/NWprQMIiwbMSZyLXgbJynTKGMAZdul-metaNzc1NjIwZmY1NGEyM2Q3ODcxODhiYTA2MWQ1YjNhN2IudjEuY3JvcHBlZC5wbmdfNzIweDcyMHE4MC5qcGdfLnBuZw==--medium.png
  • https://vendor.shaqexpress.com/storage/13296/conversions/nKXKl3Xljmvasplp0ee2FpSqTTJjZe-metaYzBjOTFmOTg2M2VmZjBmMGQ2NGIwMWY0MDZlOWJhNzctcmVtb3ZlYmctcHJldmlldy52MS5jcm9wcGVkICgxKS5wbmc=--medium.png

Flexible Keyboard


Take your work and play with you wherever you go with this foldable keyboard. It's wireless, so you can use it anywhere on any device. Its compact design allows for easy storage or travel.Product fe...

Take your work and play with you wherever you go with this foldable keyboard. It's wireless, so you can use it anywhere on any device. Its compact design allows for easy storage or travel.

Product features:

1. Flexible USB 2.0 keyboard that is practical, durable and comfortable

2. Ultra slim, lightweight keyboard, roll up for easy storage

3. Great for school, travel or any working environment

4. Soft silicon material allows discreet silent typing

5. Waterproof, anti-dust, portable

6. 85 keys flexible foldable keyboard

7. Support multiple languages

8. Compatible with Windows 7, Windows, Vista etc.