• https://vendor.shaqexpress.com/storage/19419/conversions/zNfBXL68rnsv2IGL8D0Gkpk0pzfVt2-metaQ2FsZWJkYXIgMi5wbmc=--medium.png

Chart On The Second Coming Of Christ


This chart represents how Abraham was created, the birth, crucifixion and ascension of Jesus Christ. It also shows how the rapture will happen and also how th...

This chart represents how Abraham was created, the birth, crucifixion and ascension of Jesus Christ. It also shows how the rapture will happen and also how the world will be destroyed.

Summary of the chart

The call of Abraham

The birth, crucifixion and ascension of Jesus

The rapture: Jesus comes for the church

The revelation: Jesus comes with the church

The battle of armageddon

The final battle

The present world destroyed 

The white throne judgment 

New earth and heaven