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Kolikoli Kolikoli Tombrown

₵12 ~ ₵40

KOLIKOLI TOMBROWN is a cereal legume mix flour that provides and contains various nutrients and vital ingredients needed to kick the day. This tasty and delicious cereal mix contains these ingredients wheat, maize, groundnut and soy...

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KOLIKOLI TOMBROWN is a cereal legume mix flour that provides and contains various nutrients and vital ingredients needed to kick the day.

This tasty and delicious cereal mix contains these ingredients wheat, maize, groundnut and soybeans.

> It has a milky and pleasant aroma.

> Can be prepared in less than 5 minutes.

> 100% Organic

> No preservatives , No addictives

> Good and suitable for new born babbies, nursing mothers, children and adults

> Can be eaten as breakfast or supper.

> Contains rich nutrients proportions for healthy growth.

> Can be eaten with or without milk and sugar.

> Can be eaten with all kinds of dried and fresh fruits ti give extra flavour and taste.